By Urban Development Department

Important Notice: We are conducting BPMS application training every Wednesday 11am to 12pm. Click on the link:-
Important Notice: This is to inform you that as per instructions from Hon. PSUD Sir and Hon. Director Sir we have successfully deployed on production with the updated version of IGR 2.0 at all locations in MS.

Maharashtra Government Directives (GRs)

SR No. Subject Government GR
1 Time limit for submission of site inspection report u/s 8 of Maharashtra(Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act, 1975. TPS-1815/CR-216/15/UD-13,Date 31/08/2017
2 Publication and permitting third party inspection of the list of proposals in which permission is granted by Tree Authority under Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act,1975. TPS-1815/CR-216(Part-1)/15/UD-13, Date 23/03/2016
3 Regarding avoidance of delay and bringing uniformity in the process of according building permission, plinth checking, Occupancy certificate and allowing third party inspection of letter of approvals-Revised Directives. TPS-1815/CR-216/15/UD-13, Date 23/05/2017
4 Regarding avoidance of delay and bringing uniformity in the process of according building permission, plinth checking, completion certificate and allowing third party inspection of letter of approvals- Revised Directives. TPS-1815/CR-216(Part-2)/15/UD-13, Date 15/06/2016
5 Directives u/s-154 of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 procedure for Building / Development Permissions, Necessary document and Procedure for site inspection regarding building permission / occupancy certificate and checklists TPS-3215/CR-193/UD-13, Date 07/07/2016
6 Regarding avoidance of delay and bringing uniformity in the process of according building permission, plinth checking, Occupancy certificate and allowing third party inspection of letter of approvals-Revised Directives u/s 154 of MRTP Act, 1966. TPS-1815/CR-216/15/UD-13, Date 23/05/2017
7 Publication of Unified Development Control Regulations for all Planning Authorities in the state TPS-1817/501/CR-58/17/UD-13 date: 05/06/2017
8 Uniform Building Byelaws Uniform_byelaws_DCR
9 Regarding avoidance of delay and bringing uniformity in the process of site inspection for tree felling permission. TPS-1815/CR-216/15/UD-13, Dated 11/07/2017
10 To define clear timelines mandated to grant construction permit including all required approvals (pre-construction, during construction, post construction). TPS-1816/CR 452/16/UD-13, Dated 29/11/2017
11 To upload inspection reports of at least past two years on website of respective Planning Authority. TPS-1815/CR-216/15/A/UD-13, Dated 11/07/2017
12 Regarding Approvals of Building / structure, based on Risk Based categorization,for Fast Tracking Approval (Preconstruction, during construction, post construction) Approvals of Building Plans