2. With TP Client Can I work with same proposal on different Laptop/PC?
Yes, you can work on different laptop/pc. You just need to save your proposal(drawing) on server by clicking on “Upload file for backup”. When working on another PC, click on "Download file from backup". So that file will be saved on your current folder to work.
3. What is the difference between "Upload file for backup" and "Final Save"?
"Upload file for backup" is for backup, for saving you’re in progress work on server.
Click on “Final Submit" to upload final drawing file to authority.
4. Is TP Client software free of cost?
Yes, it is free of cost.
5. How I can back up my TP Client work?
Click on "Upload file for backup".
6. How anyone will know whether he has latest TP Client Version?
If latest patch is not updated on your PC/Laptop then while login, system will prompt you to update the
application with latest version. Also, you can see Version number on the top of the TP client
application or on Website.
7. If this Error message occurs when user open proposal drawing in TP-Client."Unhandled Application has occurred in your application"
User need to close running application in his local machine and need to open TP-Client application again.
8. If this Error message occurs while installing or using the software." Packets larger than max_allowed_packet is not allowed"
1)Download the file
2)extract the batch file
3)run it as administrator.
9. How to resolve the TP Client Setup Installation Issue (.net framework 4.7.2 issue)?
1. Choose the Start button, and then choose Run.
2. In the Run dialog box, type "regedit", and then choose OK.
3. In Registry Editor, browse to the following subkeys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsCompatibility AssistantPersisted
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers
4. In the Name column, look for the .NET Framework 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, or 4.7.2 download names, depending on which version you are installing, and delete these entries. For download names, see Install the .NET Framework for developer’s article.
5. Rerun the .NET Framework installer for version 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, or 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1
10. Can we use this software on Progecad also?
Right now ProgeCAD software is not integrated with our application, but we will update you soon.
11. what is the use of drawing cleanup tool ?
Use Drawing cleanup function before generating drawing from there you can understand which layer is missing or not marked correctly
12. Group Housing related issues.
1] Can we mark layout more than one building
: Yes, we can mark.
2] Carpet ratio is 30-40, if any carpet is more than 50 then what will happen.
:Then it will come under ratio of 40- 80.
3] MHADA group housing provision is available?
:Yes, its available
13. Amalgamation required for more than one raw land of same owner.
Yes, Its Required
14. How mid landing depth consider 1.2M?
According to 6.7(i) MidLanding Depth need to be follow as per the given image
15. What will be net plot area considered in drawing related proposal?
Refer to the document given below
16. Which AutoCAD Version compatible with TP-client?
AutoCAD 2021 & above is support to tp client.
17. If after opening DWG file from TPClient, if you do not see TPClient toolbar on AutoCAD/ZWCAD, follow the next step.
Please find the file given below for solution
18. If you got the error such as host not connected.
Then please check following options
Type 1: check MySQL.
Type 2: check TP-client database is available or not.
19. Wel-come to TP client application ......--------.................
Error: undefined function - SETGLOBALVAR
Error: An error has occurred inside the error function incorrect type - nil,
check ZWACD version ,Tpclient working on Professional version
20. What should I do if I got 302 error while doing login.
Kindly find ‘tpc.exe’ file attached in the folder. Please replace the file in
TP CLient\TP_Client_2020\SOFT\TPClient2020 In your PC.
After replacing the file in said folder, update TP client to Patch 1.2.5
22. Can two or more person work on single project on multiple computer system in which include multiple buildings and multiple floors?
Yes, For more efficiency two or more person can work on same project to trace respective buildings on multiple system but please note BPMS TP client login should be different.
23. Which ZWCAD software version works with TP client offline software.
ZWCAD professional version 2021 and 2022 works with TP client offline software.
24. Does normal balcony get added in carpet area?
Normal balcony can not be add in carpet area, only enclosed balcony can be add.
25. Whenever there is no row at position 0 pop up window comes?
Please check building details in online form.
Add Occupancy or Use Group/Sub -Category of Occupancy or Use Group
Please refer the attached screen shots.
26. How to solve/rectify error bad argument type=2d/3d point:nil ?
To generate or finalize the submission for reassigned or already created proposals, kindly follow these steps:
1. Resave the TP Client project: Edit and save each page from online (front end).
2. Make the necessary changes to the drawing as per the online input.
3. Generate then arrange the new generated table and templates then final submit.
27. While Updating Tp_client, patch version not get updated
Steps to Update:-
1) Download the file
2) Extract the batch file on desktop
3) Run it as administrator.
28. Is the telecom room applicable for revised building permission for the structure?
No , for Revised building permission telecom room not required.