1. While selecting multiple owners, which owners E-KYC need to be done?
While selecting multiple owner’s you need to make sure that one owner E-KYC is done.So for E-KYC you need owner who can fulfill the following requirement.
1) Name in power of attorney
2) Main Owner
3) Required Aadhaar card & Mobile Number
4) Need to involved in whole proposal
2. If you are registered for one ULB as a Technical Person you do not need to register again?
You have a two type of technical person registration.
1) ULB wise = If you have registered for ULB registration then you can work only for same ULB, If you want work for any other ULB then you need to register again for another ULB.
2) District wise = If you have registered for District registration then you can work for all the ULB come under same district, similarly If you want work for any other District then you need to register again for another District.
3. How can I search CTS No. to address, not address to CTS No.?
Once the Integration done in IGR Service then after that user will be able to search address from CTS No.
4. can user change his Email ID ?
User cannot change their Email ID, May be in future it will be available if required.
5. Part development option of piece of land is available or not?
Yes, it’s available in our application.
6. Is the project code is unique?
Yes, Project code is unique and its a system generated. So there is no chance that same project code use for multiple project.
7. How you can set new password when you forgot your password?
When you forget your password, you can set a new password. Kindly refer to this link http://mahavastu.maharashtra.gov.in/index.php?para=bW9kdWxlPWdlbmVyYWwmYWN0aW9uPXByc2VudGF0aW9u.
8. Is there any password expiry policy ?
No, till now there is no such policy there in our system.
9. Why I need to change password while login in the system first time?
It’s important to set the password when you login first time. You must change system generated password as per Password policy. Password policy: It must be 8 characters long and must include at least one capital letter, a special character, a number.
10. Installation problem: mvc file not recognized?
Run mysql and create or update TP-Client database and then run TP-Client setup.
11. In MySQL installation it shows error MySQL instanceconfig.exe is not recognized internal or external command?
Run mysql and create or update TP-Client database and then run TP-Client setup.
12. We had given same email address for both Engineer as well as Structural Engineer license. How can we login to portal from same email id?
You can login as same as normal login.
13. Service data entry is only for revised building permission is it correct?
Yes, it is right. If you want to develop part or full occupancy for previously taken building permission then you need do service data entry.
14. If application registration is pending from last few months then where can I check?
There are two reason of pending your registration: 1) Pending with authority 2) Document is not correct So if you want check your application status then go to the BPMS Home Page -> Citizen Search.
15. If sanctioned layout is not available then can we upload other document related to that?
No, it’s mandatory. You cannot upload any other document at the place of sanctioned layout.
16. Proposal is not showing in authority login in "Proposal Approval" (list) tab (For Corporation or Regional Plan)
Please check Employee hierarchy is assigned to the authority for that proposal
17. technical person follow the right process to complete a service but sometimes proposal won’t show at authority login.
If you got the same problem then check the authority role entry in admin login for the same service.
18. while working on any service, sometimes we don’t find exact flow as per the user manual. Why?
Flow is totally depends on your ULB admin configuration. What role you have given to particular authority, on the base of that flow will work.
19. What are the system configuration required for BPMS online & TP client offline software ?
BPMS online : For BPMS online doesn’t require any high configuration because it works on chrome browser.
BPMS TP client: For TP client offline software required following system configuration.
minimum configuration=>
Windows: 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Hard disk: 5 GB min. Storage space
Processor: 2.5 GHz any processor
RAM memory: 4 GB
Graphics card: 1 GB
recommended ( for better experience) =>
Windows: 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Hard disk: 10 GB min. Storage space
Processor: 3+ GHz any processor
RAM memory: 8 GB
Graphics card: 4 GB
CCA India Latest CRL :
https://cca.gov.in/rw/resources/CCAIndia2022Latest.crl (Root CA)
CA CRL: http://crl2.safescrypt.com/SafeScryptCA2022.crl (Sub CA)
Policy class: Class 3 individual :
Class 3 Org :
http://crl2.safescrypt.com/SafeScryptClass3Organization202 2.crl
Root CA, SubCA and Intermediate CA keys:
You can verify new root certificate of CCA has been issued on 02-02-2022, information from following link
Capricorn CA's new root certificates below and also providing the direct download link.
The Capricorn CA 2022 and Capricorn SUB CA certificates are also updated on our official website.
Here, You can download our Signed Capricorn CA 2022 and Capricorn Sub CA 2022 certificate from the following links.
CCA India 2022 Certificate-
URL of CCA Certificate = https://cca.gov.in/cca/sites/default/files/files/CCAIndia2022.cer
Capricorn CA 2022
URL = https://cca.gov.in/cca/sites/default/files/files/Capricorn%20CA%202022.cer
Capricorn Sub CA for Individual DSC 2022
URL = http://www.certificate.digital/repository/CapricornSubCAforIndividualDSC2022.cer
Capricorn Sub CA for Organization DSC 2022
URL = http://www.certificate.digital/repository/CapricornSubCAforOrganisationDSC2022.cer
You are requested to please integrate our new root certificate With your new Component.
21. What are the qualification required for category wise to technical person?
Please check the attached file for complete details about qualification.
22. How to Calculate Weighted Average
To find a weighted average, multiply each number by its weight, then add the results.
If the weights don’t add up to one, find the sum of all the variables multiplied by their weight, then divide by the sum of the weights. For example Calculating Weighted Average
Test Score Assigned Weight Test Score Weighted Value
50 .15 7.5
76 .20 15.2
80 .20 16
98 .45 44.1
Weighted Average 82.8